With this posting, hereby I officially announce the close-down of this blog.
Good-bye everyone. Take good care of yourself.
With this posting, hereby I officially announce the close-down of this blog.
Good-bye everyone. Take good care of yourself.
I wish to thank all my blog readers who have spared their time reading all the non-senses I have written for the past few years.
The initial purpose of this blog is actually to post recent happenings in my life and some of my personal views regarding current issues and most importantly, to let you (you know who-you-are) know what’s happening in my life since you have a busy life in UK and we hardly have time to talk due to the time zone difference.
Anyway, sad to say that, I guess what’s happening around me is no longer an interest to you.
Since the objective of this blog is now null and void, I have no reason to continue writing.
Thank you for willing to share my life for 5 years. Thank you for your love and thank you for everything.
All the best to you! Good luck!
Article 74 of the Federal Constitution provides that the Parliament may make laws with respect to any of the matters enumerated in the Federal List or the Concurrent List.
The State may make laws to any of the matters enumerated in the State and Concurrent List.There are 12 matters in the State List:-
1. Islamic law and personal and family law of Muslims; Malay customs; offences by Muslims; Syariah courts.
2. Land
3. Agriculture and forestry
4. Local government
5. Local Services
6. State works and water
7. Machinery of the State Government
8. State holidays
9. Offences against State Law
10. Inquiries for State purposes
11. Indemnity
12. Turtles and riverine fishing
Since Local Government is under State List, it is surprising that when Penang and Selangor state government wrote a letter to Election Commission, directing the Commission to hold election for local government election, the request was turned down. The head of Election Commission insisted that Federal Law has to be passed in order to confer power to the Election Commission to hold any Local Government election.
I guess this is the cheapest karaoke you can find in whole Malaysia.
Only RM 2 per hour. It’s charged by hour, not by head. That means if 4 people are singing for 2 hours, the bill is only RM 4 and one person will have to pay only RM 1.
I sang with a friend for 2 1/2 hours. So, we pay RM 2.50 each. No tidbits, no peanuts, no hidden charges.
Do you know that files and sharks do not fall sick? Even though flies live in very hostile environment, their bodies contain an anti-bacterial enzyme that protects them.
Sharks also have an anti-tumour substance. The same goes with ants, they also hardly fall sick.
I am thinking, will these animals become human’s medicine one day? If yes, then human will continue to live at the extent of other animals.
The penguins in North Pole have already extinct due to human killings. Do we want to have some more animals vanishing from this earth?
The absolute zero temperature is 0 Kelvin, which is also –273.15 degree Celsius. Theoretically we will not be able to achieve such a low temperature. Achievable temperature will always be above 0 Kelvin. At 0 Kelvin, all the activity of protons or electrons will come to a halt.
I am thinking, if I am able to create a fridge that can reach down to 0 Kelvin, perhaps human will be able to be preserved. Ha ha…
Wills are not really a necessity because no matter how, you will still have to undergo a lengthy court processes to distribute the wealth, regardless of whether you have written a will.
The only way of avoiding a court process is if your asset is less than RM 2 million and you pass away without having a will.
For further reading, please read the following article:
The holy grail of checklists may be the one created by Dr. Peter Pronovost of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Intensive-care units (ICUs) often use intravenous lines to deliver medication, and these lines can become infected, causing nasty health complications. Pronovost, frustrated by these preventable events, compiled a five-step checklist.
The checklist contained straightforward advice: Doctors should wash their hands before inserting an IV, a patient’s skin should be cleaned with antiseptic at the point of insertion, and so forth. There was no new science and nothing controversial – only the results were surprising. When Michigan ICUs put the checklist into practice over a period of 18 months, line infections were virtually eliminated, saving the hospitals an estimated $175 million, because they no longer had to treat the associated complications. Oh, and it saved about 1500 lives.
How can something so simple be so powerful? Checklists are good because they can educate people about the best course of action, showing them the ironclad right way to do something. As Pronovost told Atul Gawande in The New Yorker last winter, his five steps were black and white and backed by solid medical research. You could ignore the checklist, but you couldn’t dispute it.
Checklist simply make big screwups less likely. “We wanted people to standardize on the mission-critical elements – the areas where we have the strongest evidence,” Pronovost says. “And these things that are mission critical, we’ve got to do them every time.”
What does your business have to do every time? Put it in a checklist. You may not save a life, but you’ll avoid a painful blind spot.
Source: Heath, Dan & Heath, Chip. 2008. The Heroic Checklist. Fast Company, March 2008.
Cari Jodoh - Wali Band
Apa salahku apa salah ibuku
Hidupku dirundung pilu
Tak ada yang mau dan menginginkan aku
Tuk jadi pengobat pilu
Tuk jadi penawar rindu
Tuk jadi kekasih hatiku
Timur ke barat
Selatan ke utara
Tak juga aku berjumpa
Dari musim duren hingga musim rambutan
Tak kunjung aku dapatkan
Tak jua aku temukan
Oh Tuhan inikah cobaan?
Ibu-ibu bapak bapak
siapa yang punya anak bilang aku
Aku yang tengah malu sama teman-temanku
Karena cuma diriku yang tak laku-laku
siapa yang mau bantu tolong aku kasiani aku
tolong carikan diriku kekasih hatiku
Siapa yang mau?
Ku tak laku-laku
昔時也,余在洛陽,日投僧院,夜宿寒窯,布衣不能遮其體,淡粥不能充其飢;上人憎下人厭,皆言余之賤也!余曰:非吾賤也,乃時也運也命也!余及第登科,官至極品,位列三公,有躂百僚之杖,有斬鄙吝之劍;出則壯士執鞭,入則佳人捧秧;思衣則有綾羅錦緞,思食則有山珍海味,上人寵下人擁,人皆仰慕,言余之 貴也。余曰:非吾貴也!乃時也運也命也!蓋人生在世,富貴不能移,貧賤不可欺。此乃天地循環,終而復始者也!
All good things which exist are the fruits of originality.
We never think entirely alone: we think in company, in a vast collaboration; we work with the workers of the past and of the present. [In] the whole intellectual world… each one finds in those about him [or her] the initiation, help, verification, information, encouragement, that he [or she] needs.
All good universities in either the classical or the taught PhD models still demand that the thesis or dissertation should be novel research making some form of distinctive contribution to the development of knowledge in discipline.
All rules of study are summed up in this one: learn only in order to create.
Making a substantive contribution to the development of a discipline, which are still key criteria for awarding a doctorate in good universities. Acquiring authoring capabilities is very important in finishing a doctorate on time and avoiding the long delays for which PhD students were once notorious.
The most fundamental aspect of authoring is to manage readers’ expectations successfully, ensuring that they see the text as coherent, well paced and organized, and delivering upon your promises in a credible way. And for new PhD students, a critical step in beginning to manage readers’ expectations is to define clearly the intended overall thrust of their thesis – its central research question.
Even in the most traditional view of PhD education, which still stresses one-to-one induction of each student by a single supervisor, the transmission of authoring skills is vulnerable.
Here is where this book aims to be useful, in helping PhD students and their advisers to think more systematically about authoring skills. On the basis of supervising my own students over the years, and of teaching a large and intensive course on PhD drafting and writing at my university for more than a decade, I take what might be labelled an ‘extreme’ view by more conventional colleagues. I believe that in most of the social sciences and all of the humanities disciplines, a set of general authoring skills determine around 40 to 50 per cent of anyone’s success in completing a doctorate. Of course, your ability to complete doctoral-level work will be primarily conditioned by your own research ideas and ‘native’ originality, and your hard work, application and skill in acquiring specific knowledge of your discipline and competence in its methods. But unless you simultaneously grow and enhance your authoring abilities, there are strong risks that your ideas may not develop sufficiently far or fast enough to sustain you through to finishing your thesis at the right level and in a reasonable time.
Doing good research and becoming and effective author are not separate processes, but closely related aspects of intellectual development that need to work in parallel. I also believe that authoring skills are relatively generic ones, applicable in a broadly similar way across a range of disciplines at doctoral level. Hence this book draws on a wide range of previous writings and insights by earlier generations of university scholars.
今天的晚餐:酸辣菜 與 黑肉。
Often time when you see a car, the model name is always associated with its engine displacement, e.g. a BMW 528 means it’s a 5 series with an engine displacement of 2800 cc or 2.8 litre. cc means cubic centimetre. 1000 cc is equivalent to 1 litre.
Following High Court Judge Datuk Lau Bee Lan’s judgement that the word Allah is not exclusive to only Muslims, Muslims all over Malaysia has joined the Facebook group “We oppose the use of the word Allah by non-Muslim”. The number has grown to 100,000 in a short period of time while at the same time, only 3000+ people joined the group – We support the use of Allah by all Malaysians.
It’s very clear that most Muslims do not intend the word of Allah to be used by non-Muslims, as shown by the supporters of Facebook group, 100,000 versus 3000 (figures updated on 6th January 2010).
As I myself am not a religion expert, I will not comment much on this as whether the Muslims want to make the word Allah exclusive or not has nothing to do with me. But I am just wondering if the Muslims want to make it exclusive, why is it that in Johor’s state anthem, the word Allah is being used many times, eg. Allah selamatkan Tuhan, etc.
If Allah is only meant for Muslims, that means, non-Muslim Johorians should not sing the state anthem during school assemblies, public activities or any government official events.
And, is the Johor anthem only meant for Johor Muslims? Or it is supposed to be sang by all Johorians, irrespective of race and religion?
Learn only in order to create. – Friedrich Schelling.
Knowledge learning is not about copy-catting. It’s about applying the current knowledge to create something new. I guess this is the reason we learn.
Creativity will be the most important factor in determining one’s success apart from interpersonal communication skills.
Creativity + Interpersonal communication skills = SUCCESS