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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

1Malaysia for business

Datuk Tony Fernandes hoped that our PM could walk his talk – 1Malaysia, by not only liberalizing 27 sub-sectors but more, better still all. Read more here.

Monopolization of certain business has killed creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Datuk Tony Fernandes cited Malaysian Airport Berhad as an example. MAHB monopolized ALL airports in Malaysia and Datuk Tony was doubting how much the airports have been effectively developed? Are they contributing as much to the national and local economies as they should?

I myself would like to cite TM as an example. Our telecommunication sector is almost monopolized by TM. Most of the telco providers have to base on the infrastructure of TM, eg. XOX Com, U Mobile, etc. Broadband industry is also monopolized by TM (Streamyx). Another clear example of monopolization is the 3G license which was not awarded to Digi. Digi is coerced to sell its interest to TimeDotCom (a GLC) to transfer TimedotCom’s 3G spectrum to Digi.

While other countries are enjoying better communication and broadband services at lower prices, we, have to pay hefty price to ‘enjoy’ lousy services. This is just one of the MANY examples of monopolization kills creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Dear PM, please, liberalize the telecommunications sector (and all other sectors), too, for the sake of national interest.

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