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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What is the best profession (in 2009)

You are deciding on courses to take in universities. Your parents advised you to study professional courses. Okay then, but there are so many professional courses to choose from, accounting, law, dentistry, medicine, engineering, etc, etc. Which one is the best (currently) ?

I am going to give you the answer: dentistry.

If you are a doctor, you will also feel the pinch of the economic crisis because some not so well-doing patients are turning to government clinics and hospitals. But for dentists, they are still getting the business.

You might be amazed why is this happening. Those dentists should thank government policies for pushing the businesses to the private clinics. The government intends to increase public satisfaction towards dental clinics so they came out with a 30-minutes waiting time policy. Every patients need not wait for more than 30 minutes to see a dentist.

But the real life is some minor surgeries or tooth extractions might take about 30 –45 minutes or more than that. So what do the dentists in government clinics do is they will ask the patients to go home first and make an appointment (to avoid the patients from waiting too long in the clinic, complying to the 30-minutes policy). The appointment is usually after 3 or 4 months as the waiting list is long.

Imagine you are the patients- having toothache, and the dentist in government clinics asking you to go home and come back after 4 months! Crazy, you are already so painful and you can’t even chew your dinner!

You guess, what happens next? Most patients will head for private dental clinics to have their tooth extracted! They can’t stand for the pain for 3 or 4 months! That would be unbearable!

So, that’s the reason the private dentists are still getting businesses although the economic is bad. According to a reliable source, some dentists in KL are making millions per year. One friend of mine is making more than one thousand per week by working just part-time in private clinics (he is now doing his compulsory service in government clinic).

The conclusion is: Malaysians are getting more health conscious, they take care of their health, they eat well. But they still fail to pay attention to their teeth and they still go to the dentists and pay a handsome load of cash to them to have their dental problems fixed.

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