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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Brain-friendly Tea

Theanine in tea increases attention and focus. Theanine is an amino acid present almost exclusively in the tea plant, including black, green and oolong varieties. It actively alters the attention networks of the brain.

Research shows tea’s polyphenolic flavonoids have pleiotropic effects on numerous biological pathways to help keep human brain cells from dying and even help repair them when they are subjected to factors that damage the cells’ DNA.

In the past, it was thought that once brain cells were damaged, there was no way to repair them. Not only could the EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) in green tea help prevent brain cells from dying, it appears that the polyphenol may even rescue the neurons, once they have been damaged.

The role of green tea on the prevention of cancer have provided some insight into the cutting-edge field of nutrigenomics, or how gene susceptibility toward chronic diseases can be altered through dietary interventions.


  1. I drink pu er or green tea everyday when I'm in hometown.
    US hotels dun even provide boiler...sien...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I found another benefit of tea: if it is consumed within an hour before sleep, sleep quality will decrease and the person tend to wake up earlier despite sleeping late the previous night. Good. It keeps off lazy sleep bug.

  4. WHAT? decreasing sleep quality is considered a benefit??
