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Monday, February 23, 2009

An despicable act

Bukit Lanjan assemblyman, Elizabeth Wong’s nude pictures have been circulated in the internet. Personally I have not yet seen the pictures (I think it’s unethical to look at it?).

There are 2 possible culprits to this incident. One is her political opponent, and another one is her ex-Malay-bf.

The police are still working on the case to find out the real culprit. If it is done by her political opponents, I think this is simply a low-down, dirty, cheap tactic (ironically, it works well). Everyone of us should condemn such an despicable act. Women are extremely vulnerable in politics. If the authorities do not do something, I believe more and more good people – good people who really serve the country and people, will be put off.

If the pictures were circulated by her ex-bf, then what is his motives? He hated her after break-up? Or is he being bought over by Elizabeth’s political opponents?

As a conclusion, NEVER let your partner take your nude photos no matter how close, how intimate you are. You might be black-mailed after breaking up. Hey, don’t say that you’ll love each other forever. Don’t be naive, we can’t predict future. Furthermore, relationships get more fragile nowadays.

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